New Trade Routes

Drawing digital pathways on the new trade maps.

Trade drives the way people interact.  People, products, money, and ideas follow the trade routes and impact everything in their path.  Keeping pace with the way trade routes are changing is essential to success or even survival.  New Trade Routes is working to better understand the changes so we can help our clients, investees, and grantees improve their chances of success.


About Jay C. Leon

Jay Leon has been helping technology companies sell faster for over 20 years.  His last two projects, at Microsoft and TimeXtender, rapidly expanded partner sales and delivery capacity and exceeded aggressive sales goals.

Jay was the founder and CEO of CSG Channels in Redmond, WA.  For 17 years at CSG, he worked closely with Microsoft and its 600,000 partners to enable millions of businesses to gain a competitive advantage through technology solutions.

Jay has been a member of Emerald City Rotary for 30 years, twice serving as president and all the time working to achieve the mission:  dedicated to the future of our community by serving the educational needs of young people.

Jay has been racing small sailboats since he learned to sail in Manila, Philippines at the age of 8.  He lives on a boat in Seattle with his wife Lindsey and his faithful dog Buddy.

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