New Trade Routes

Drawing digital pathways on the new trade maps.

Trade drives the way people interact.  People, products, money, and ideas follow the trade routes and impact everything in their path.  Keeping pace with the way trade routes are changing is essential to success or even survival.  New Trade Routes is working to better understand the changes so we can help our clients, investees, and grantees improve their chances of success.


Filtering by Tag: Search

The Search for Search Confidence

We are leaving a world of workflow and entering the world of search. In order to be effective, workflow requires hierarchy and organization and alternatively, search requires comprehensiveness and speed. The pace of the migration depends heavily on our confidence that search tools are capable of finding just what we want just when we want it.  Once our confidence in search gains a foothold we will never look back.

To find a document in the workflow context, a contract for example, we would go to a contract management system which in the physical world might be a file drawer labeled contracts, but in the digital world would be a tab in a CRM system labeled contracts.  Once we understand the hierarchy and arrive at that location,  we are able to sort through and find the contract on some ordered list - probably alphabetical.

In the search context all documents of any nature involving any party would be in one giant hypothetical drawer and we would search for the contract by some indexed keywords -- probably name, maybe plus contract.  

The workflow structure is more comfortable because we have always done it that way and we like it because it is orderly and logical.  However, If we fail to find what we want in the workflow context we have to find a person who is more likely to know where it is - muttering all of the way about how people do not adopt these tools.. bla bla bla.

Anyone familiar with the experience of searching for things and not finding them, has probably adopted a process that includes widening the search until it is certain to catch the object searched for, and then narrowing until it the list presented is short enough to look through.  Whenever the list get's too short, i.e does not include the item being sought, then back up and try a different query.

This search process depends entirely on our confidence that everything is in the giant file drawer -- this is comprehensiveness, plus the ability to do many searches until the right combination of criteria are discovered -- this requires speed.  Once search achieves a certain amount of this user confidence, the workflow method of organizing/finding things is going to feel as ridiculous as an iPAQ in the age of the iPhone.

When searching for something in it is difficult to back up enough to cast the net wide and get a comprehensive dataset to start with.  Just about all tab based workflow systems I have used suffer this same malady.  The purveyors of workflow style systems are notoriously bad at search -- maybe they don't think it is needed.  


A Helping Hand for the Search Engines

I sometimes get so caught up in the wealth of information available on the web that I lose sight of how far we still have to go in search.  The other day I was helping someone unfamiliar with the web use a search engine to perform what should have been a simple task and it was a significant reminder of how undeveloped the search industry really is.  Having been in the technology industry for some time now, I have a natural tendency to defend our machines.  People new to using these tools have pretty lofty expectations -- "the computer can just do that, right?"  Invariably my role goes from apologist to apologizer as I find myself saying: "well it is really a very complicated thing we are asking the computer to do..."

The Task:  Use a Search Engine to Find a Restaurant

Not just any restaurant though, we wanted a place nearby, that served Latin American cuisine from a Spanish speaking country, from South (not Central) America.  So sure, since our quest was a school project, our restaurant search was a little different than most - but not that different.  And explaining to the uninitiated why any combination of: Seattle, Restaurant, Latin America, Spanish, Central America did not produce the desired results in any of the search engines was humbling.  Defending the most used command line interface of our day by saying: "when I was a kid we didn't even have the web." didn't add much to the conversation either.

Our Solution:  This is a "Short" cut?

After several attempts with results of either restaurants from other cities (in one case the third entry in the search results was for an establishment in New York) or an overwhelming list of Mexican eateries, or news about the earthquake in Chile, I developed a new strategy.  We would search for recipes for dishes from Argentina, find one with a really distinct name, and search for that!  Argentina because it had not just had a natural disaster, and distinct name so the search engines would not get too mixed up with unrelated results.  Presto!  Not really presto actually because this meandering route through 15 or 20 search queries took much longer than either of us wanted to spend.  First to cooking sites, then to ethnic cooking sights, then to Argentinian cooking sights, then look through the recipes before deciding that "empanada" was just the right mix of common and unique for the search engines, then enter "Seattle Restaurant Empanada" and what do you know -- half way down the second page of results we found one that was only 10 miles away!  At one point I had to wonder if there isn't a Latin American Restaurant section right in the Yellow Pages!  I would never know of course because for the last ten years I have taken the phone books straight from my front porch to the recycle bin.

So all of this is to say that as enamored as we are with the tools we have today -- the truth is that their capabilities are severely limited.  We are just getting started in search and someone could invent the next Google tomorrow.