New Trade Routes

Drawing digital pathways on the new trade maps.

Trade drives the way people interact.  People, products, money, and ideas follow the trade routes and impact everything in their path.  Keeping pace with the way trade routes are changing is essential to success or even survival.  New Trade Routes is working to better understand the changes so we can help our clients, investees, and grantees improve their chances of success.


Filtering by Tag: Paul Simon

Have a Good Time

In 1975 Paul Simon released the song "Have A Good Time" on the Still Crazy After All These Years album.  For the last six months or so I find myself singing this tune in my head surprisingly often -- definitely more than any other song.  Not sure what that means, but upon closer examination I particularly like the theme presented in the song that my happiness is my own responsibly, and not to believe everything you read in the paper ("they are just out to capture my dime").

I don't always think about that last verse, but is is quite good too.  I wonder what Paul Simon thinks about those words now, as we are all having a good time and thinking that we are entitled to our standard of living here in the USA.  

Have A Good Time

Yesterday, it was my birthday
I hung one more year on the line
I should be depressed
My life’s a mess
But I’m having a good time

I’ve been loving and loving
And loving
I’m exhausted from loving so well
I should go to bed
But a voice in my head
Says “Ah, What the hell”

Have a good time
Have a good time
Have a good time
Have a good time

Paranoia strikes deep in the heartland
But I think it’s all overdone
Exaggerating this, exaggerating that
They don’t have no fun

I don’t believe what I read in the papers
They’re just out to capture my dime
I ain’t worrying
And I ain’t scurrying
I’m having a good time

Have a good time
Have a good time
Have a good time
Have a good time

Maybe I’m laughing my way to disaster
Maybe my race has been run
Maybe I’m blind
To the fate of mankind
But what can be done?

So God bless the goods we was given
And God bless the U. S. of A.
And God bless the standard of livin’
Let’s keep it that way
And we’ll all have a good time

Have a good time
Have a good time
Have a good time
Have a good time

© 1975 Words and Music by Paul Simon