New Trade Routes

Drawing digital pathways on the new trade maps.

Trade drives the way people interact.  People, products, money, and ideas follow the trade routes and impact everything in their path.  Keeping pace with the way trade routes are changing is essential to success or even survival.  New Trade Routes is working to better understand the changes so we can help our clients, investees, and grantees improve their chances of success.


Filtering by Tag: GDP

Growing or Shrinking

I think it is a miracle that our economy grows at all.  I can't say that I have an intricate understanding of the way we calculate GDP or inflation.  But here are the things from my life that are pulling the deflationary lever: 

Computers:  In 1988 I bought at 286 machine for $5,000 -- now I buy computers for less than $1,000.

Cell Phones:  In 1990 my cell phone bill was $600 per month.  It is still $600 per month but I have 11 phones and a handful of data devices on it.

Housing:  I do pay more for housing because my family is bigger and we have upgraded our house.  But I don't see any reason to expand any further and at 30 years old, my house is a long way from wearing out.  On a larger scale, we have about 15% vacancy in housing units (empty houses, rental units, and other unoccupied inventory) I would say it will be a while before we need more housing as a nation.

Cars:  We just bought a car for about the same price as the last new car I bought in 2002.  And this one is nicer.

Media:  I pay less for my phone, internet, cable TV, music, and movies than in the recent past.

Travel:  We seem to get great deals on airfare and hotels whenever we decide to travel.  We may be traveling more that we used too -- so this could be a net increase.

Healthcare:  Our family spending on healthcare -- even with insurance -- goes up significantly every year.

Education:  My kids are now in private school because I could not risk a public education.  Up a bunch here too.

In the end, more items are going down or staying flat than items going up.  The ones going up, healthcare and education, are going up a lot.  So my personal net GDP change is up.  This "growth" is pretty much a demographic thing -- my kids are growing up and requiring more medical attention and more education spending.  Without those two things, my individual GDP change would be down.