Crashing into Garbage in the North Pacific
Chris Jordan and his team have reached their initial fund raising goal for the Midway Film project. The total raised is now over $105,000 and continues to climb. The Midway Film project has gone from 0 to over 1,500 contributors in less than a month because this story about plastic in the ocean resonates with people from all over the world.
Here is the link to the latest update from Chris and his team -- presently on Midway Island.
Here is a link to the Midway Film trailer.
Also ongoing right now is the bi-annual Victoria to Maui sailboat race. You can track the progress of the boats, that left Victoria BC, Canada on July 3 and are now over half way to Maui on the official web site here. It is interesting to note that the sailors are on the look out for floating garbage from the Japanese Tsunami last year -- just now reaching the coast of North America.
Here is a link to an intersting tracking site on USA Today.
Here is a link to the story about the sailors and avoiding the garbage.